Debut urban fantasy novel

Artistic interpretation of Double Vision Novel by Shaolin Poe

Double Vision is the name we’ve chosen for our debut fantasy novel.

Being our first novel, we gave ourselves one year to write it. The one year mark is in March, but we were aiming to complete the draft in December. That’s looking less likely now that we’re mid-December, but the year isn’t over yet and we plan to do some serious binge writing over the holiday.

Right now we’re at about 50,000 words written and the loose goal is 80,000. Of course the completeness of the story will ultimately dictate its length, but that’s our initial goalpost.

The picture above is some AI art from Midjourney that I created with keywords I thought were relevant to our story. It has a much more haunted feel than I was going for, but I still thought it was a cool image and wanted to share it.


Artistic interpretation of Double Vision novel main character Trevor

The image above is another Midjourney (AI) art piece that I generated with key words from our book. Again, it misses the mark with regard to representing Double Vision, but I thought it was intriguing.

One of the most interesting and challenging aspects of writing our first book has been figuring out our process. And because we’re writing the book together, it’s doubly challenging, because we each have different preferences for how we do things like outline, draft, edit, etc.

My husband is a plotter and I lean toward pantser, so finding harmony between the two approaches can be an adventure. And of course there is advice galore online, but no two processes are the same.

So finding the most efficient way to support our creativity and productivity has been a separate and distinct learning curve.


Mirrors might be a significant element in the Double Vision storyline.


Let me consult my crystal ball…

  • Obviously finishing the novel is priority number one.

  • We have some beta readers selected, so as soon as we have a final draft, we’ll send the book to them for feedback.

  • I am unsure if we will do an extended ARC process or not. We may simply do it concurrent with publication.

  • We’ve chosen someone to do our book cover, though we won’t be sharing the cover until we’re pretty close to publishing.

  • Double Vision will be available on Amazon in ebook, paperback, hardback upon initial publication. We haven’t decided how we want to proceed with the audio book. though we do plan to have one, but it won’t be available until a little later.

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